Noting we no go see and hear.Sex firm creates masturbation booth for overworked NYC men

A sex toy company trying to get a rise out of
New Yorkers erected a head-turning
promotional ploy on Fifth Ave.
Hot Octopuss unveiled what it called a “GuyFi”
booth on 28th St. and 5th Ave. where men
could, in theory, go to “relieve stress” mid-
The masturbation-themed marketing scheme
was inspired by a Time Out survey, which
concluded that 39% of the New York men
questioned admitted to masturbating while at

The booth was created to “take this habit out
of the office and into a more suitable
environment designed to give the busy
Manhattan man the privacy, and the high-
speed Internet connection, he deserves,”
Octopuss said in a press release.
The booth was actually an out-of-service
telephone kiosk outfitted with a black curtain,
a folding chair, a laptop computer, and a Hot
Octopuss ad along the side.

“At Hot Octopuss we are all about
looking for new solutions to improve
everyday life and we feel we’ve done just
that with the new GuyFi booth,” Adam
Lewis, Hot Octopuss co-founder, said in
a statement. “We hope the city’s men
enjoy using the space we’ve created in
whatever way they want.”
A representative later told Mashable Friday
that, “the brand is not actively encouraging
people to masturbate in public as that is an
illegal offense.”
People tweeted about the booth
