How abortion played a part in Celine Dion’s devotion to her husband and family

famous Canadian singer Celine Dion is
undergoing another chapter in her life as
she grieves the death of her beloved
husband and former manager Rene
Angelil. Dion’s fairytale life and the fame
she brought to her native Canada would
never have been if a Catholic priest had
not convinced her mother not to abort
Celine in 1967. And it’s likely that her
fierce devotion to her husband and family
was learned from her mother who gave her
life and the example of loving sacrifice.
Even though he was 26 years older, Celine’s
devotion to her husband touched the world
as she cancelled a major tour to tend to
him in his bout with cancer in 2014.
Dion, the bestselling Canadian recording
artist of all time, is the 14th child of
Adhémar-Charles and Thérèse Tanguay
Dion. The singer revealed in 2001 as she
was to give birth to her first child that she
herself was almost aborted. When her
mother Thérèse was distressed at learning
of her pregnancy, she went to a priest.
Celine recounts: "He told her that she had
no right to go against nature. So I have to
admit that in a way, I owe my life to that
Dion said that she adores her mother, that
Thérèse was “the star” of her family. “I'll
never forget that she was the one who
went knocking on René Angélil's door in
the first place. I was just a kid. She was the
one who wrote my first song. I owe her
In the January 16, 2001 issue of London
celebrity magazine Hello!, with a preview
in the January 11 National Post, Dion said:
"My mother had already brought up 13
children. For more than 20 years, she'd
been locked into a hellish cycle of washing,
ironing and housework, 365 days a year.
She thought, rightly, that she'd done her
duty. The two little ones, twins Paul and
Pauline, were about to go to school and at
last she'd have some time to herself. At last
she'd be able to go out, perhaps go
travelling with my father and revisit the
area where they were both brought up.
Then suddenly she was pregnant again. She
was so shattered she went to see the parish
priest to see if she could do something
about it.”
"Once she got over her disappointment that
an abortion was out of the question,”
added Dion, “she loved me as passionately
as she'd loved the last little ones."
That love for children and family was
passed on to Celine as can be seen in her
care and concern for her children. “My
success is my family,” she told People
magazine in 2012. “My life is to be a mom.
It is what I enjoy the most. It is my most
amazing reward. I will take a chance with
my music. I don't take risks with my

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