Graphic Photos: Army recounts their successful operations against Boko haram

Satement from the Press statement organized
by the Nigerian Army earlier yesterday
As part of the promise of the Theatre
Command to keep the public informed of our
activities, this Press Conference has been
organised to brief on the activities of the
troops in the past few days. Accordingly, in
furtherance of the ongoing offensive
operations to clear Boko Haram Terrorist
(BHT) in the Northeast, on 17 January troops
conducted a clearance operation at
Shentimari general area and cleared Boko
Haram enclaves and recovered 78 rounds of
7.62mm ammunition.

Similarly, on 18 January at Chukun Gudu,
troops encountered and destroyed terrorist’s
camps along Jillam, Bula Butube general
areas. During the exchange of fire, 10
terrorists were killed, 2 AK47 Rifles, 2 AK47
magazines, 2 solar panels and 2 GSM
handsets were recovered, while 1 Isuzu
vehicle was destroyed.
On 20 January 2016, troops cleared terrorist
camps/enclaves at Ngwalimiri and Gazama in
Damboa Local Government Area. While
conducting operations in Mufurundi village
along Damboa-Bale road, our gallant troops
intercepted 10 Boko Haram suspects from
Bego, Mesemarri and Bale villages carrying
bags containing food condiments, soaps, and
other items. Suspects are presently
undergoing interrogation. Also, troops had an
encounter with terrorists during advance from
Wajirok to Ajigin. During the encounter, 3 of
the terrorists were killed.
In another development, one of our units
located in old Marte repelled an attacked by
BHT and in the process, killed 21 terrorists,
while 3 soldiers were wounded during the
encounter. One Anti Aircraft Gun, 10 AK47
rifles,1 FN rifle,7 x 60mm mortar bombs, 342
rounds of 12.7mm, 507 rounds of 7.62mm
ammunitions, 1 Toyota Hilux, 1 Land Cruiser
vehicle, 1 Improvised Explosive Device with
charger were captured from the terrorists.
In a related development, troops took custody
of 3 suspected Boko Haram terrirists who
voluntarily surrendered themselves to Damboa

Vigilante Group at Kaya village. During
interrogation, they claimed to have been
forced to join the Boko Haram terrorists group
and also participated in the Group’s previous
attacks at Askira and other locations. As
about 1719hrs yesterday, 21 January 2016,
ahead of Cashew Plantation near Maiduguri,
an unknown civilian tried to gain access into
the village but was confronted by a civilian

JTF. In the process of the ensuing
interrogation, he stabbed a member of civilian
JTF to death but was shot by another Civilian
In continuation of the ongoing operation,
troops advancing to clear Dure village, came
under Boko Haram terrorists ambush at Rugga
Fulani but were cleared. During the encounter,
8 Boko Haram terrorists were killed, 2 AK47
rifles, 2 locally made Dane Guns, 3 AK47
Magazined with 38 rounds of ammunition
were recovered. Similarly, a unit of troops
cleared Boko Haram terrorists hideouts in
Wala, Tirkopytir, and Durubajuwe villages.
During the operation, troops recovered 1 rusty
General Purpose Machine Gun barrel, 1
grinding machine and 1 locally made Dane
Equally, troops conducted a fighting patrol in
Afe, Kudiye, Souma, Dika, Mijigeta and Mida.

During the operation, the team made contact
with BHT at Kudiye, Mijigete and 20 BHT were
killed, while 3 rifles, 41 motorcycles were
destroyed, and 370 hostages rescued and
brought to Internally Displaced Persons' camp
at Dikwa. Also, around Huyum, Jeje and Diba
villages. The terrorists sighting own troops,
abandoned their families behind which include
5 women, 12 children. However, own troops
killed 4 of the BHTs. The women are currently
undergoing interrogation.
Today 3 suicide bombers attempted to
infiltrate into Maiduguri a kilometer ahead of
Mafa roadblock. Gallant troop of the theater
shot one dead, while the other detonated and
in the process killed the third suicide bomber.

The Theatre Commander Operation LAFIYA
DOLE, Major General Hassan Umaru
commended the efforts of the troops and
renewed call for the troops and the public to
be more vigilant and security conscious at all
times, particularly at check points, markets,
worship centres, motor parks and schools. He
equally appreciated the support from the
public in rendering useful information on the
activities of the terrorists. The public would be
kept informed of the situation as the need

Major General Lucky Irabor
Deputy Theatre Commander
