Read about ISIS  15 rules handbook detailed  how captured sex slaves should be treated (photos below)

Dreaded terrorist group ISIS are at it again! A
"fatwa" was issued by the terrorist
organization back in January according to
documents seized by the Anti-ISIS US Special
Operations Forces which have just been
released. The document entails rules on how
ISIS members are to treat women captured as
sex slaves.
The terrorist organization captures women
who they give out to their fighters as rewards
and incentives, the women are raped
repeatedly, sometimes by more than one
person. Far from trying to conceal the
practice, Islamic State has boasted about it
and established a department of 'war spoils'
to manage slavery.

It begins: "One of the graces which Allah has
bestowed up the State of Caliphate is the
conquest of large surface areas of the
country and one of the inevitable
consequences of jihad is that women and
children of infidels will become captives of
Muslims. "Consequently, it is necessary to
clarify some rules pertaining to captured
prisoners to avoid any violations in dealing
with them."

1.It is not permissible for the owner of a
female captive to have intercourse with her
until after she has had menstrual cycle and
becomes clean.

2.If she does not menstruate and is
pregnant, he is not allowed to have
intercourse with her until after she has given

3.It is not permissible to cause her to abort
if she is pregnant.

4.If the owner of a female captive releases
her, only he can have intercourse with her
and he cannot allow someone else to have
intercourse with her.

5.If the owner of a female captive, who has
a daughter suitable for intercourse, has
sexual relations with the latter, he is not
permitted to have intercourse with her
mother and she is permanently off limits to
him. Should he have intercourse with her
mother then he is not permitted to have
intercourse with her daughter and she is to
be off-limits to him.

6.The owner of two sisters is not allowed to
have intercourse with both of them; rather
he may only have intercourse with just one.
The other sister is to be had by him, if he
were to relinquish ownership of the first
sister by selling her, giving her away or
releasing her.

7.If the female captive is owned by a father,
his son cannot have intercourse with her
and vice-versa. Moreover, intercourse with
his wife’s female captive is also not

8.If a father had intercourse with his female
captive then gave her away or sold her to
his son, he is no longer permitted to have
intercourse with her.

9.If the female captive becomes pregnant by
her owner, he cannot sell her and she is
released after his death.

10.If the owner releases his female captive
then he is not permitted to have intercourse
with her afterwards because she has
become free and is no longer his property.

11.If two or more individuals are involved in
purchasing a female captive, none of them
are permitted to have sex with her because
she is part of a joint ownership.

12.It is not permissible to have intercourse
with a female captive during her menstrual

13.It is not permissible top have anal sex
with a female captive.

14.The owner of a female captive should
show compassion towards her, be kind to
her, not humiliate her and not assign her
work she is unable to perform.

15.The owner of a female captive should
not sell her to an individual whom he knows
will treat her badly or do unto her what Allah
has forbidden.
