Some Inspirational Quotes you need to pounder on. Basket of fruit for thought.ya

“Being employed is good. So long as it serves
its purpose of allowing you to earn money and
learn and grow at the same time. Times are
changed and it is no longer enough to be
employed all of one’s life and hope for a
pension to take care of you at the end of your
“Build something that will earn you a far
better life than an award for most dedicated
or longest serving employee. Become the
employer instead.”
“Believe in the truth that your thoughts are the
key to your destiny and your future. It cannot
be put any simpler.”
“You should have a desire to advance
yourself simply to make yourself a better
person and get all the knowledge and skill
that you can.”
“Work should be your learning ground for
things you can use in your own life and
business. Then it will no longer be just work.
It will be your preparation for a better future.”
“Satisfactory performance simply does not cut
it. Advancement requires something extra,
above and beyond what is asked and required
of you.”
“Advancement in life requires that you never
get satisfied with where we are. However well
you are doing, you can always do better.
Increase is the law that you must live by. No
matter how much you know, you can always
learn more. No matter how much you earn,
you can always earn more, no matter how
much you give, you can always give more.”
“An open mind is crucial to making progress.
Opportunities are everywhere, but without a
mind that is curious and open to new ideas,
they will pass you by.”
“If your mind is primed with the right
knowledge you will be able to recognise
opportunities and take advantage of them
when others can’t see them.”
