There is nothing about to hide from others
that having sex gives pleasure and promoter
of sleep. We get intimated many times but i
did you know sex not only provide enjoyment
or induced sleep but also beneficial for our
health. Lets have a look how this happen...
improves immune system
Sexually active people take fewer sick
People who have sex have higher levels of
what defends your body against germs,
viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at
Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that
college students who had sex once or twice a
week had higher levels of the a certain
antibody compared to students who had sex
less often.
Lowers Heart Attack Risk
A good sex life is good for your heart. Besides
being a great way to raise your heart rate,
sex helps keep
your estrogen and testosterone levels in

Improves Women's Bladder Control
A strong pelvic floor is important for
avoiding incontinence, something that will
affect about 30% of women at some point in
their lives. Good sex is like a workout for your
pelvic floor muscles. When you have an
orgasm, it causes contractions in those
muscles, which strengthens them.
Counts as Exercise
Sex is a really great form of exercise
Sex uses about five calories per minute, four
more calories than watching TV. It gives you
a one-two punch: It bumps up your heart
rate and uses various muscles. So get busy!
You may even want to clear your schedule to
make time for it on a regular basis. “Like
with exercise, consistency helps maximize
the benefits,”
Lowers Your Blood Pressure
in this busy society blood pressure is so
common that it is now considered as a
disease but no one change facts.. we often
take medicines to control our bold pressure
which may cause side effects or other
problems. Sex works as a medicine in
lowering your blood pressure
sexual intercourse specifically
(not masturbation) lowered systolic blood
pressure.” That's the first number on your
blood pressure test.
May Make Prostate Cancer Less Likely
Going for the gusto may help ward
off prostate cancer.
Men who ejaculated frequently (at least 21
times a month) were less likely to
get prostate cancer during one study, which
was published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association .
You don’t need a partner to reap this benefit:
Sexual intercourse, nocturnal emission, and
masturbation were all part of the equation. It's
not clear that sex was the only reason that
mattered in that study. Lots of factors
affect cancer risk.
